chen's milestone - wean off pacifier
tonight is day 1 when we remove chen's zhutzhut. during the car ride home, papa chat with him, and convince him to throw his old mickey mouse zhutzhut away, then wait for August to buy a new Thomas zhutzhut.
i chatted with chen before too, that's how i convince him to get a new zhutzhut with Thomas on it. (but i don't think there's any available right??) but i couldn't get him to throw the old 1 in the rubbish bin.
why August? this is his fave number.
once reach home, papa immediately went to the rubbish bin and show him, 'i wrap it in this tissue and we throw it away ok?'
chen say, 'ok' and he turn around to open the fridge looking for sweets/jelly/etc.
bedtime, he looks for his zhutzhut. i have to remind him again and again because he started to nag:
"mummy, i want zhutzhut..."
"we throw it in the rubbish bin, remember?"
"no, we didn't, it was papa."
"oh yes! papa throw it away, so now we don't have any zhutzhut. you are a big korkor, you told ah gong and everyone else. big korkor no need zhutzhut"
then hengheng came and kpoh - show me 5 fingers, mean he is the big korkor.
and chenchen immediately replied "i am small, i am only 3"
so reminded him again, 'but papa throw away already. mummy hug you and we sleep ok? look at me, and we close our eyes"
he is layin on my chest, looking at me, then suddenly he lift his fist, close his left eye, then right, then my left eye, and my right. LOL pretending to sleep, but still thinking of his zhutzhut.
when papa came home, i signal 'shhhhhhh don't talk anything' so he just sayang chen and small talk with heng.
finally chen sleep without zhutzhut!!